The ‘University of Life’ that’s all you need apparently, well I beg to differ. I’m sure many of you who are, or have been, at University have had people tell you that it’s a waste of time. Thousands of pounds of debt, a degree which in reality doesn’t mean all that much (because half the bloody country has one) and a beer belly is all you’ll have to show after 3 years. I have friends who didn’t go onto further education; they got a job in the city and are doing very well. They’ve got their own car, a place to live and have years of experience. I, on the other hand, still sleep in a bunk bed with my brother (I’ve got the bottom bunk in case you were wondering). University still sounds a bit shitty doesn’t it?
But I’ll tell you why I’m happy approaching the last few weeks of my degree. I’ve met friends who I’ll stay in contact with for years, I’ve met my girlfriend, I’ve met my Art Director, I’ve been given the opportunity to learn a craft, I’ve grown up, I’ve lived on my own, I’ve learnt how to cook (but not clean), I’ve been independent, I’ve had to budget, I’ve played university rugby, I’ve got stupidly drunk, I’ve done hundreds of all-nighters, I’ve had lie-ins, I’ve been up north, I’ve made my parents proud, I’ve made myself proud…
The list goes on but you get the point. So 17 years of education, from colouring in to dissertations, comes down to these last couple of weeks and needless to say Ollie and I are going to be working our testes off to get that elusive job in advertising!
*ehem* sorry to be spellchecking. But for the sake of the craft: Lie-ins. Elusive.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree though :) and good luck, as if you need it!
Spot on, a whole day of work and writing in a hurry results in a couple of spelling mistakes unfortunately, thanks for the heads up!