Firstly, I'd like to apologise for the photo, it's not me and my course mates, I just looked for a wanky photo of graduates. Yes, I said wanky, I'm in that type of mood.
Right back to more pressing issues, Results have been and gone. Ollie and I both got a 2:1. Hold the applause. I’m livid. I was 0.2% away from a 1st. “We’ve got to draw the line somewhere”. Fuck your line, or move it back, I don’t care what you do but sort it out. I haven’t sacrificed 3 years (OK 2 years, 1st year was a massive piss-up) of my life and £18,000 for a slightly above average degree. You could say it doesn’t matter to employers in advertising, but to be honest with you, it matters to me. I’m a competitive person, and to be perfectly frank 2:1 is an epic fail. I don’t even want to go to graduation.
By the way, I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate my peers on their results, regardless of their grade, I’m just being a wanker but it’s fun to write so I’m going to keep going. Besides, it’s good that I’m letting all this out now as it could come out in later life in the form of a murder spree and that wouldn’t be good for anyone.
So to conclude the topic of results, I’d like to use the phrase “Fuck it”.
What a retarded post. The way you say "I haven't sacrificed 3 years of my life and £18,000 for a slightly above-average degree" makes it sound like you think someone other than you is responsible for your grade. Where the line is doesn't matter. If you deserved a First, you'd have worked hard enough to be comfortably in that bracket, and not relying on being ever-so-slightly over the line.
ReplyDeleteIf you'd scored 0.2% OVER the First boundary, would you be saying "I'm close enough to a 2.1 that I basically got one"? No. Stop whining and accept that your grade is your own responsibility and no amount of bitching about boundaries will change that.
Retarded it may be but sometimes you need to vent your anger, and in this case I did it through writing. I didn't hurt anyone and didn't blame anybody.
ReplyDeleteI find it very interesting that you felt so strongly about this post that you needed to comment on it. I'd also appreciate it if you didn't suggest I should have worked harder. You don't know me. You don't know how hard I worked.
But thank you for commenting, generally I actually agree with you, but I just wanted to let it out.
Why is interesting that I felt strongly enough to comment? Isn't that what comment boxes are for?
ReplyDeleteI felt strongly about your post because our generation seem to have forgotten how to take responsibility for their own actions. You may not have directly blamed anyone else for your grade, but you did complain about the boundary line, as if that was why you got a 2.1.
If you genuinely did work as hard as you could, then a 2.1 was the best grade you were capable of getting, and you should be pleased you fulfilled your potential and achieved it. Yes, it's annoying to be close to the line, but it's not satisfying just scraping a First either.
You said "Fuck your line, or move it back, I don’t care what you do but sort it out.". Sort it out? Would you really be happy with your First if you got it by complaining until they moved the line? You shouldn't. It's only satisfying if you earned it.
They are for commenting but I doubt you comment on every single post you read, and if you do then you have way too much time on your hands.
ReplyDeleteIf you follow this blog or indeed know who I am, you'll know I studied Creative Advertising. This happens to be a very subjective course, one piece of work may seem like a First to one tutor and a Third to another (slight exaggeration but you get my point). Therefore no amount of hard work will determine your grade - at the end of the day, it's an opinion (and before you post another comment saying I'm blaming my tutors, I'm not, I value their opinion and thank them for what they've taught me). Obviously the harder you work, the more chance you have of producing a great ad but suggesting that those who achieved a higher grade than me worked harder or indeed those who achieved a lesser grade didn't work as hard is absurd. Everybody worked hard, it's a demanding course, and rightly so as it's a demanding industry.
You keep quoting the post in order to prove your argument yet you haven't taken into account the emotion behind the words. I wrote it in the heat of the moment, feeling angry that I'd just missed out on a First. The sole purpose of the post was to let off some steam, which it has done. I've accepted the grade, continued with my life and moved on.
I suggest you do the same.