It's that time again for Student Union Elections. Andreas Zacharia (a good friend of Pollie's) is going for Vice President Activities at the University of Lincoln. He plans to take office next year and develop the state of the University activities for the greater good. He is already a well respected member of the Rugby Union team, on and off the pitch, and just a good all round guy. That's why we decided to help him out and get students to "Vote Andreas!" for the position.
The whole idea came from Andreas' manifesto where he explained he would grant three wishes to each activity committee to make their society run better. We decided to make it upbeat and funny, hence the Aladdin theme. We knew his competition were going to be making banners too, that's why we put a lot of effort into making sure they look great and catch a lot of attention. A total of three nights was spent making the banners but they were well worth the hassle. With a total of 100 plus posters going up across the whole university campus plus 30 hand made t-shirts, we're sure Andreas will go far. We'll keep you updated on how he gets on.
Good luck Andreas!
Vote Andreas For VP Activities @ http://www.lincolnsu.com/elections from the 1st March.
I thought these must have been one of us lot, sooo much better than most of the election crap. Nice work!
ReplyDeleteAlso I thought I should let ya know, the Cow and Gate link on your website isn't working...